About the Program
In October 2013, the twin island nation of Antigua and Barbuda introduced a pathway to citizenship through the Citizenship by Investment program which allows persons over 18 years of age and their dependents, who qualify, to make an investment in the country. Antigua and Barbuda citizenship may be obtained through either of four investment options under the program.
National Development Fund (NDF)
Real Estate Investment
Business Investment
Higher Education
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Real Estate Investment
There are various approved development areas and projects in Antigua and Barbuda within which the main applicant for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship may invest.
In addition, two or more applicants who have executed a binding sale and purchase agreement may apply jointly for citizenship by investment provided that each applicant contributes the minimum investment of US$ 300,000. An applicant may also purchase property valued at minimum US$300,000 through single/individual ownership.
Beneficial ownership of real estate is permissible through a non-profit company provided that the company has issued all of its authorised shares to the applicant(s), is established and is in good standing under the laws of Antigua and Barbuda, is not an exempt or offshore entity and submits irrefutable evidence as to its beneficial ownership, which evidence shall be certified by the Registrar of Companies.
As the application procedure under this option involves the purchase of real estate, this can lengthen the processing time depending on the chosen property. The real estate cannot be re-sold until 5 years after the purchase, unless purchasing an alternate officially approved real estate property in Antigua and Barbuda.
An application for citizenship by investment under the real estate investment option can be submitted to the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU) when a binding purchase and sale agreement has been signed with the developer of an approved project, which will be subject to the granting of the citizenship application.
Upon submission of your application you will be asked to pay the due diligence fees and 10% of the government processing fee. On receipt of a letter of approval you will be asked to pay the balance of the government processing fee and all sums due to the developer under the sale and purchase agreement to enable title to be registered in your name and allow for implementation of the proposed real estate investment in accordance with the guidelines established by the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU).
Approved Areas
Fort James to Blue Waters
Pillar Rock to Five Islands
Pearns Point to Johnson’s Point
Falmouth Harbour to Galleon Bay
Willoughby Bay to Half Moon Bay
Nonsuch bay area
Guiana Island and its environs to Crabbs Peninsula to Indian Point
Blackman’s Estate (Blackman’s Point)
Marble Hill
Low Bay to Palmetto Point
Coco Point